Sunday, September 9, 2012

Elephant and Rhino Orphanage

The Elephant and Rhino Orphanage does a wonderful work taking care of baby elephants and rhinos ranging between 1 month and 2 years old. Most of these beautiful animals were rescued by the orphanage staff after losing their parents in the wild. Some of them were in very bad shape or nearly dead when they were found. However, after a few months of tender, care and love from their fulltime keepers (carers), most of them looked happy and full of life again. Once they are fully rehabilitated, around the age of 2.5 years old, they are released back into the wild.

This orphan’s project was founded in 1977, in memory of the late David Sheldrick, from Britain. David Sheldrick initiated the work with elephants and now his daughter Daphne Shledrick is following his footsteps.

It’s possible for visitors to foster an orphan elephant. If you ever come to Kenya, you can go and visit your adopted elephant. I can assure you it’s a great experience when you touch one of those gigantic mammals! To learn more visit

One month old baby elephant
Big celebrity!
The keepers put sunscreen on the elephants’ ears to protect them from getting sunburnt. They and cover their backs with blankets to keep them warm, since they no longer have the warmth of their mothers' skin.

Being spoiled
Two years old enjoying his milk bottle
Herd refreshing themselves with their huge tromps
Having a rest!

Being a bloody tourist
Orphan Rhinos

This rhino was born blind and was abandoned by his mother. Unfortunately, this one will never be released into the wild. In saying that, he has a very good life in the orphanage being loved by his keepers and a HUGE attraction for the tourists. We also had a chance to touch the rhinos.

Endangered Black Rhino

Colossal "Number 2", we had to run! :-O

1 comment:

  1. Nossa, esta segunda foto ficou, literalmente, uma bosta. hehehe
