Sunday, September 23, 2012

Volunteer Work at the Light Orphanage Centre

This is a special post about the Light Orphanage Centre, locate in the middle of the Kware slum, in Nairobi city, Kenya. My sister and I have been working in this children's home as volunteers for the past three weeks. Our work includes teaching the children, making a profile for each border and non-border attending the Light School, as well as devepoling a blog for the orphanage.

Children at the Light Orphanage Centre
The children and teenagers were very excited to have their first "mzungu" teachers in the orphanage. For some of them, this was the first time they had seen and interact with white people (mzungu). 

Clau with Class 7 students
The conditions in which the children are living in this orphanage are appalling. They have very little food to eat and it’s not very nutritious. But the worse thing is the lack of beds. Currently, there are between 3 to 4 children sharing the same bed (a single bed!). The mattresses are of the worst quality, very old and smelly and full of bed bugs. Some children are sleeping on mattresses on the floor.

Boys dormitory
I am writing to you as I would like to ask your help to buy some bunk beds, new mattress, bed sheets and blankets for these orphans. If a thousand dollars is raised, it will be possible to buy 3 bunk beds + mattresses + bed sheets + blankets for them. If more money is raised, more will be bought.

For those of you who would like to help, below are my banking account details, where you can make a deposit of any amount you like. I will take photos of the beds, mattresses and linen bought with the money raised. I will take photocopies of all the receipts and email them to everyone who wants to help these orphans. By the way the kids are just lovely, including Charles, the orphanage's founder, who takes care of all of them.

ANZ Bank
ACC Name: Claudiene Duarte
BSB: 014650
ACC Number: 504825719

Alternatively, donators can make a bank deposit directly into the orphanage's bank account. Details as below:
Equity Bank
Account Name: Light Orphanage Centre
Account Number: 0610 296 227 569
Swift Code / BIC: EQBLKENA

To see more photos and read more about this orphanage please go to 

Thank you in advance for any help given to these orphans! As the children always say to us for every little thing we give to them 'God bless you'!


  1. Fala prima, passei para dar uma olhada.
    Parabéns pelo trabalho voluntário e pelo blog.
    De tempos em tempos passo para dar um oi!

  2. Darling, today is your birthday. I would like to tell you many things, but my english is not as good as before, so, I will just tell you: happy birthday. God bless you. beijos Damy
