Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trekking in Dharamsala

Having the weekends free to ourselves, Dine and I, together with our dear South African friend and volunteer Chris, headed to Dharamsala again to hike up one of its most popular mountains - Triund. Dine and I were thrilled to climb a mountain which is part of the Middle Himalayan Mountain Range.

Dine and I with Trekking Guide Sonu
According to our trekking guide Sonu, it’s a distance of about 9 Kilometers to reach the top of this mountain, taking approximately 8 hours depending on one’s fitness. Triund is 2.875 meters above sea level. The hike is not very steep and there are plenty of shacks along the way, where hikers can buy food and drinks to refresh themselves. We paid 300 rupees each to Sonu for a group of 3 people. His mobile 9816 136 355 / 9736 542 849. He was a great company and very knowledgeable.

Stopping for a chai at 'The Best View Cafe'
During our trekking we saw a variety of animals, which couldn’t really be classified as ‘wildlife’. We met plenty of friendly homeless dogs along the way. We also passed through a caravan of donkeys carrying supplies to the tea shops spread throughout the mountains. It was a sad sight watching these animals carrying such heavy loads on their backs up and down the mountain. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for them, but as I often heard Indian people say ‘we all have our duties in life’. Some just seem to have it a lot harder than others.

Donkeys carrying supplies to the Mountain shops

After 4 hours walking, with many stops along the way to appreciate the scenery and take some photos, we reached the top. The view was stunning (even the cold weather did not spoil it one bit!).

Dine & I reached Triund's Summit

For our friend Chris it was a time to meditate.

Meditating in the Himalayas

As for me, I couldn’t stand still for very long due to the freezing temperature up on the mountain, but I did sit quietly for a moment to greet the huge Himalayan Mountains in front of me. I also thought about my journey, trotting around Africa and India for the past 5 months, and how grateful I was to have a chance to embark on this trip.

Quite time enjoying the stunning view
Some people cannot understand why trekkers go through so much effort hiking up mountains. Dine and I left Triund in such high spirits! That’s why we go trekking!


  1. Well done Clau, stunning views. It must have been a huge sense of accomplishment too!

  2. Oi Ni, essas fotos sua e da Di em cima das pedras, ficaram lindas. Porém, dá até um frio na barriga.
    Bjs te amo
